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Reflecting the Warmth of God's Love, the Riches of His Grace, and the Hope of His Word

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We strive to be a warm and loving community of believers wih an enthusiam for worship, Bible teaching, fellowship, and serving the Lord. 
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As the church, we are called to serve each other as stewards of God's grace and the unique giftedness given to each of us.
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We grow through teaching. You can expect Bible-centered messages that will encourage, challenge, and teach you to learn God's Word.


We're Glad You Stopped By

image The name of a church doesn't tell you all you need to know about the people and the ministry. Usually it just perks your curiosity or perhaps, just turns you off. Hopefully, the information on this site will help to fill in some of the blanks. If you are new to the area, looking for a church you can call home, or just considering the claims of Christ, we encourage you to spend a few minutes to learn more about us.  We also would like to extend a warm invitation to join us for one of our services. Penn Yan Bible Church is a congregation committed to worship, teaching the Bible, fellowship, prayer, and evangelism.  It would be an honor for us to have you attend one of our services. After reading all this you won't be a stranger.  As a matter of fact, you'll know a lot more of us than we will of you!